Heyyy so apparently my first writing was kinda good so I will be
writing a second post. Sorry I'm not the fabulous fangirl that usually
posts here.
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you
because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely
places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”
~Roald Dahl
"It's the wood that should fear your hand, not the other way around. No
wonder you can't do it, you acquiesce to defeat before you even begin." ~Pai Mei
first quote is there to justify the second. Just to let you know, Pai
Mei isn't a real person. he is a character from the (by far) goriest
movie I have ever seen, Kill Bill. I don't recommend for anyone to watch
it, I don't know why I watched it in the first place, but that kind of
movie is the last place I would expect to find a quote that I would
think about for a while. Just as context Pai Mei is teaching the main
character Kung Fu and is having her punch through wood at 3 inches away,
and is unable to do it at first. The quote was Pai Mei's explanation.

what does this have to do with anyone? Well, unless you are looking for
inspiration to punch wood. It is the concept that you won't accomplish
anything if you accept defeat before attempting it. The more you become
aware of it, the more you will see it in your daily life.
was going for a walk last summer, and I see a random shirtless guy
trying to impress a girl and doing parkour/free running in a park. The
girl wasn't the only one watching. I saw two guys watching from a short
distance (lets call them baseball cap and NYU, as one was wearing a
baseball cap and the other had an NYU t shirt on), and NYU said "Damn
he's good. I'm going to do what he does, I'm even going to do it better"
to which baseball cap replies "Would you look at us? We can't even get
the courage to talk to a girl, much less do a backflip off a fence in
front of one." NYU didn't reply, and I didn't stay around for the rest
of their conversation. I only really thought about what I heard that day
about a month later because I was reminded of the two, because I saw
NYU (I guess it's his favorite t shirt, but I definitely recognized him)
doing some sprint exercise on the side of a soccer field. I started
walking in that park more often at similar times because something about
him made me curious. Late August, I see NYU again, wearing that same t
shirt, looks like this:

I almost didn't recognize him if not for his t shirt, waterbottle, and
he had pretty nice hair too. I saw him doing pullups and sprints, and it
was hot that day. I got an ice cream and walked around until sundown.
There wasn't a lot of people at the park at that time, and I was the
only one in the area at sundown. Anyways I watched from a distance as
NYU did a similar route to the guy from 3 months ago, and it must have
been his first go because he was super excited at the end. I think he
was a bit miffed because I don't think he noticed me, and so he thinks
nobody saw what he accomplished that day. This memory is really
satisfying because what might have been his best friend told him to quit
because something was impossible, and he pretty much put his summer
vacation into it and won. To me it seems so simple but is so motivating,
so I want to share it with all of you. By the way, should anyone find
NYU or should NYU come across this post, someone saw your run, and that
someone remembered. Congrats. As for the rest, may the stars watch over