
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Challenge: Try making these 10 easy and creative drawings!!

What would you do to make a person smile with only some food, a notebook, a plier, a floppy disk and a SIM card?
Challenge: I want to see how many of you can gather up your materials and make these 10 quick drawings!!
  1. Use two Doritos are bows (rather than food? I think not!!)
  2. Use the spiral in a spiral drawing book as the teeth for a dinosaur (thankfully its jaws are sewn shut now)
  3. Use grapes as balloons (and fly away into the sunset)
  4. Use Lincoln's head on a penny as an actual head (do you think he would be offended?)
  5. Use two pop-tabs/pull-tabs as butterfly wings (ok now this is just plain cool)
  6. Use two oranges as your lungs (now wouldn't that be fun!)
  7. Use a paperclip as the body for a trumpet (that is a trumpet right?)
  8. Use the pencil sharpener shavings as mountains (I wonder what that would do to the tunnels)
  9. Use a plier as the clothes for a person (ok, he needs bones in his legs... and let's hope no one needs that plier anytime soon!!)
  10. Use a floppy disk as the parent and a SIM card as the kid (if only we could all be that thin...)

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~ Each day is a gift and not a given right ~