
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Year's Inspiration: May you never forget what is worth remembering nor ever remember what is best forgotten

     Up until now, few things have inspired me to do something other than finish my homework, finish my projects, and get off my lazy bum sitting on the couch watching Doctor Who, so here I am, sitting in front of my computer to start a project due after Christmas Break....
Haha..his face is hilarious in this one XD
     Really though, I'm not doing anything in life right now, but I was browsing Tumblr today (as a normally do to procrastinate working) and came across this amazing quote that just blew my mind.
 Well, this really isn't inspirational, but I really liked the quote/saying (and the picture itself is beautiful). To me, if this was up on my wall, I would definitely be able to start the day with a clean, fresh, and happy mind. This quote is all about dwelling on the things you need to and burying the things in your past you don't need. Certain events made you stronger, so remember your strength, not your weakness.

     This New Years, 2014, call up an old friend and reminisce, go to your favorite coffee shop that you haven't been to in years, or even try something new with the people you love! Forget that grudge you've been holding for three years, stop stalking your ex's Facebook profile to see how his new relationship is doing, and for God's sake cross out his face in all the pictures on your wall. 

     Oh, and one more thing, go inspire someone else.

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~ Each day is a gift and not a given right ~